Friday, March 18, 2011

The First Robin of Spring?

Well, I thought it was Spring.  I took my new shoes on a walk this morning, and it was kinda ok.  I definitely should have remembered to, I don't know, go outside before I decide I don't need gloves in March.  I did see a robin, though.  It was standing on this little stump, looking all smug at being the only robin amidst a flock of chickadees.  Of course, since I'm not the quietest or sneakiest of people, I failed to get a picture of the robin before I scared it away.  I'm awesome like that.  I think it was taunting me, because I heard it behind me the entire time I was walking.  Good for you, robin.  You succeeded in making me just a bit more aware in the morning.

This is the stump.  Just imagine it with a smug little robin on it.

Trails by the river are not maintained in the winter!  I walked anyway, since there was no snow left and the trees blocked the wind.  It's windy today, folks!

Yeah, not maintained.  Also, this trail was under like six feet of water in the fall.  There's still debris on it from the massive flooding SE Minnesota suffered through in September and October.

Yeah, it's kinda messy.  I didn't mind, since there were no other people on it.  I'm claiming that's from the messy trail, not the sheer idiocy of being outside, freezing your fingers off, for fun in the morning.  I'll learn one of these days.

There's GREEN poking through all the flood-nastiness!  Sure, it's minimal, but it's just the hint of Spring that makes the freezing fingers worthwhile.  

And then there's the remnants left on the trees from the flood.  Still hanging in there in March.  Oh, yeah, the top of the crap on the tree was at least a foot over my head.  I'm 5'7".  The bottom of the tree is three feet above the river level right now.  I forgot how bad the flooding was last fall.  Here's to more in April!

The river is already super high, and there's still snow to melt and rain to fall in the next couple of days.  Did I mention how much I love (loathe) Spring in Minnesota?  

In spite of the cold and my own stupidity, my morning walk was fantastic.  I'm excited for this weekend when I actually have time to spend outside.  This Spring is going to rival last Spring's epic hikes through Ireland.  I hope, anyway.  

How's your Spring looking so far?  



  1. Minnesota Girl's MomMarch 18, 2011 at 12:34 PM

    Did that sign say the trail was not "mantained" in the winter? Or is it an angle thing?

  2. It DOES say "mantained." I did not notice that until now. What is "mantaining?"
