Sunday, March 27, 2011

Signs of Spring

Well, it's too soon to be sure the snow is done for the season, but there are some definite signs of Spring hanging around.  Most of the snow is melted, leaving everything muddy or swampy.  My dogs love to share the mud with my jeans.  I think mud-brown is in this season, as far as accessories go.  

I decided to take a walk with the pups, but I couldn't find Sniper.  I'm sure she was up in the neighbor's shed.  Penny was being helpful while I looked for the little one.  After about 30 seconds of looking for Sniper, Penny needed a break.

Standing up is hard work, I guess.  

I wanted to see if I could get out of the yard without the dogs noticing, so I climbed over the fence and went up on the deck.  They objected to this maltreatment.  Loudly.  Seriously, Sniper barked and whined and tried to jump over the fence.  When this failed, she tried to crawl under the fence.  This also failed, since we anticipated her escapism and built the fence close to the ground.

Sorry, pup.  I didn't want to open the gate.  I can't reach the latch on the outside.  Also, you're cute when you're needy.

Ok, so Penny didn't exactly object to being alone in the yard with that annoying dog.  She just looked confused, which is her usual state.  She's either confused or asleep.

After I messed with the pups I realized that Spring is actually trying fiercely to break out into the world.  There are actual green plants!

I like the pine trees we have.  They're great opportunities for pictures.  They're kinda bare right now, but they're still amazing.

The other trees in the yard are starkly beautiful.  I'm going to climb this tree tomorrow morning, I think.  Sometimes the absence of leaves is just as wonderful as a tree full of 'em.

I don't know what this tree is, but it has pretty red berries.  It's the only tree with any real color on it right now, too.

My mom sent me downstairs to put away some construction thing in the cellar.  It will eventually be a wine cellar, but it's full of paint cans, tools, and other construction-type things that I have no idea what they are or do. 

This is the only hint to the cellar's real purpose, and it's empty.  Empty is the usual state of bottles of wine in our house.  

Winter has been too long, yo.

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